The Coco Bee

Beeswax Taper Candles


Organic + Pure Beeswax Taper Candles. No two pairs are exactly identical. Each candle is hand dipped with locally sourced fresh beeswax. Please note, scents vary throughout the season and from farm to farm - exact replications can be hard due to the aroma of each hive.

  • Set of 2 each.
  • 7-8 Inch Tall Tapers, 7/8 to 1 Inch Base Thickness
  • Estimated Burn Time: 8+ Hours
  • Naturally smoke and soot-free.

The first time you light your candle is the most important, and sets up how your candle will burn for the remainder of its wax. You will want to make sure you burn your candle long enough to get a good wax pool. Never leave a burning candle unattended. This wick is 100% natural cotton and hemp, contains no lead, zinc or other metals.